About us

We are the largest Business expert in Europe and Asia

EasternCruplc. is verifiably a leader in the deployment of various channels of banking technology, and has become synonymous with the deployment of state-of-the-art technologies in banking and corporates finances.

Successfully Providing the Best Business Solution for 20 years


Choose your preferred solution

From banking and insurance to wealth management and on securities distribution, we dedicated financial services them the teams serve all major sectors. of the industry.

Our work draws on more than 40 years of experience. Choose from our array of banking and online solutions designed to help you live and transact with freedom whomever you are, wherever you are


There is a card just for you

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0 + Trusted


0 % Client


0 Billion USD


Profit Graph

EasternCruplc gives you the best Financial solution for your business


We offer protection over customers financial loss .


While giving our customers the flexibility to save and grow there finances.

Annual Report: From 2010 to 2024 the growth rate grew +82.40%

From banking and insurance to wealth manage ent and securities distribution, we dedicate financial on services the teams serve all major sectors.

Robart Marts Ceo at dorn

From banking and insurance to wealth manage ent and securities distribution, we dedicate financial on services the teams serve all major sectors.

July Robast Manager

From banking and insurance to wealth manage ent and securities distribution, we dedicate financial on services the teams serve all major sectors.

Mark Stive Ceo at dron

    Sustainable Development

    Our aim is to reduce our negative social, economic and environmental footprints while enhancing the overall value we create as a leading brand.